The Language Sciences Research Lab at COSI was involved in the Family Science Days event at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Boston this year. The lab is part of a group called “Language Science for Everyone” which has the mission of educating the public about language and linguistics, and encouraging language scientists to engage with the public. The group has been awarded grants from the NSF to do public outreach, including at the Family Science Days.

The Family Science Days are large outreach fairs (with several thousand visitors!), where people have the opportunity to meet scientists of all sorts, and learn more about the work they do. Through LSfE, linguists at all levels -- faculty, grad students and undergrads -- attended to meet with the public and conduct outreach activities.

This year, faculty Laura Wagner (psychology, courtesy appointment in linguistics), Kathryn Campbell-Kibler and Shari Speer attended with graduate and undergraduate students.