Undergraduates Megan Dailey and Erin Walpole (with faculty member Cynthia Clopper) will present posters entitled "Dialect classification reveals mismatch between speech processing and dialect perception" and "Acoustic cues and linguistic experience as factors in regional dialect classification" at Acoustics ’17 in Boston in June. Megan Dailey was awarded an Arts and Humanities Small Grant to support the trip.
Undergraduate Alyssa Nelson (with Cynthia Clopper) will present a poster entitled "Comparison of vowel acoustics in children from the Northern and Midland regions of the United States" at the International Congress for the Study of Child Language in Lyon in July.
Undergraduate Karl Velik will present "Influence of a word-class specific morpheme structure constraint on the development of the {/-∅/, /-st/} English adverbial alternation” at the International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 23 ) in July.
Undergraduate Josh Wampler presented “Albanian obliques as 'non-local' antecedents" at the Workshop in General Linguistics 14 (WIGL14) in April at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Graduate students Lifeng Jin and Zack Jones are recipients of summer Center for Cognitive and Brain Science (CCBS) fellowships for their projects “Help training better doctors: deep paraphrase detection with semi-supervision for virtual patients is and Processing indexical phonetic variability in childhood”.
Staff member Hope Dawson received the Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by Lecturer. The award is given to a maximum of six lecturers each year across all OSU campuses. Honorees are inducted into the Academy of Teaching, introduced on the field at an OSU home football game and also are recognized with an $5,000 honorarium made possible by the Office of Academic Affairs.
Graduate student Ariana Steele was awarded a Career Development Grant to attend Lavender Languages & Linguistics 24 in Nottingham, UK in April.
Faculty member Becca Morley was awarded an ASC International Travel Grant for $2500 to defray expenses associated with attending the 4th biennial Workshop on Sound Change, in Edinburg, Scotland in April. Becca will present her work entitled “Representational Considerations in Models of Sound Change.”
Researcher Kiwako Ito (with PI Elizabeth Kryszak) was awarded a two-year, $40K Nationwide Children’s Hospital Intramural Grant for the project, “Examining changes in social and communication skills in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder participating in Early Intensive Behavior Intervention.”
Professor Don Winford was awarded an International Travel Grant from the Division of Arts & Humanities to present his work at the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics conference at the University of Tampere in Finland in June 2017.
Graduate student Nandi Sims (advisor Don Winford) was awarded an LSA Institute Fellowship to attend the Institute in July.
Faculty member Kathryn Campbell-Kibler was awarded a grant by the National Science Foundation in the amount of $254,961 for her project, "Sociolinguistic Perception in Real Time.”
Undergraduate Tahiira Zimmerman was among the 2017 recipients of the George W. Hendrix and Elizabeth L. Hendrix Humanities Scholarships for meritorious undergraduate students majoring in the Humanities.
Faculty member Kathryn Campbell-Kibler won the Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award. The Ratner Awards recognize faculty who make a difference in students' educations, lives and careers. Candidates are chosen for creative teaching and exemplary records of engaging, motivating and inspiring students. Each Ratner Award includes a $10,000 cash prize plus a $10,000 teaching account to fund future projects.
Professor Bob Levine was the recipient of a 2016-17 Larger Grant award from the College of Arts and Sciences through the Office of Research for his project “Ellipsis without structure.” The award provides $6,500 toward expenses for a project that expands the productive collaboration between Bob and alumnus Yusuke Kubota (PhD ‘10) as they continue their development of the theory of Categorial Grammar.
Graduate student Clint Awai was awarded a FLAS fellowship for the SWSEEL Summer Language Program 2017 at Indiana University at Bloomington to study first-year Persian.
Faculty member Michael White co-organized an NSF-sponsored workshop called “Uphill Battles in Language Processing: Scaling Early Achievements to Robust Methods” at EMNLP in November: http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~mroth/UphillBattles/
Graduate student Carly Dickerson was awarded a $5,200 Academic Enrichment Grant from the Office of International Affairs for her project entitled “Gender and language variation in Albania”.