Ohio State alumni met up in October at ICPEAL '17 in Taipei: Janice Fon (PhD, ’02), Kiyoko Yoneyama, (PhD, ’02), Ho-hsien Pan, (MA, ’88; Speech and Hearing PhD, ’94) and Jeff Holliday, PhD (PhD, ’12).
Nadia El-Yousseph (BA, ’06) has spent a year at the University of Barcelona as a lecturer in the Education Department. She is leaving Barcelona this summer, though, to come back to Ohio State to do a second Master’s degree in speech-language pathology, with the support of a Graduate Enrichment Fellowship.
Emily Clem (BA, ’14) is now a PhD student at UC Berkeley. She was awarded third place in the LSA 2019 Annual Meeting Student Abstract Award competition for her abstract entitled, “The cyclic nature of Agree: Maximal projections as probes".
Yusuke Kubota (PhD, ’10) is leaving his position at the University of Tsukuba to move to the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL; https://www.ninjal.ac.jp/english/). He will be an associate professor in the Theory and Typology Division there.
Mike Cahill (PhD, ’99) is now the Orthography Services Coordinator for SIL International.
Salena Anderson (PhD, ’10) has received the 2019-2020 Valparaiso University Excellence in Teaching Award.