The Department of Linguistics at Ohio State has been ranked #2 in the country for aspiring linguists by College Magazine.
Professor Brian Joseph was elected as an external member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo (ASHAK), which has put together a book with translations into Albanian of all of Brian's 25 papers on Albanian.
Professor Emerita Mary Beckman was elected fellow of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
Graduate student Daniel Puthawala was awarded a Graduate Associate Teaching Award (GATA), the highest recognition awarded to graduate teaching associates at Ohio State.
The 2021 Linguistics Faculty Recognition Award was awarded to faculty members Don Winford and Kathryn Campbell-Kibler. Don Winford is recognized for his scholarly contributions on minoritized languages, his training and support of students of color, and his leadership in curricular development on New World Black Englishes. Kathryn Campell-Kibler is recognized for her work on gender and sexuality, her training of students of color through the NSF-funded REU program, and her advocacy for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Graduate student Carly Dickerson received this year’s Kenneth E. Naylor Award recognizing students who show excellence in South Slavic and Balkan Studies, given annually by the Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures under the auspices of the Kenneth E. Naylor Professorship in South Slavic Linguistics.
Graduate student Connor Rouillier was awarded an Arts & Humanities Graduate Research Small Grant to commission drawings of stimuli for two experiments, part of his study on the morphosemantic properties of Arabic collective nouns.
Graduate student Clayton Marr was awarded a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship for 2021-2022 to study Romanian.
Graduate student Jingyi Chen was awarded a 2021 Ilse Lehiste Memorial Fund Graduate Research Award for her ongoing project on tone in Malaysia Hakka.
Graduate student Noah Diewald has been awarded a grant from the Committee of the Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research of the American Philosophical Society for his fieldwork on Wao Terero.
Graduate student Connor Rouillier was awarded a Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences Summer Graduate Research Award.
Graduate student Cory Shain's 2020 paper with Micha Elsner "Acquiring language from speech by learning to remember and predict" was nominated the best paper at CoNLL 2020.
Graduate student Noah Diewald was awarded a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for summer 2021 by the Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies Program (LACIS) at the University of Wisconsin to study Kichwa.
Graduate student Noah Diewald has also been awarded a grant from the Jacobs Research Funds for his work on anaphoric properties of Wao Tededo classifier constructions.
Graduate student Jordan Needle was awarded the Linguistic Undergraduate Teaching Award. The recipient of this award is chosen annually from a set of nominations submitted by the students themselves.
Professor Brian Joseph has received the 2021 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring award form the OSU Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry office.